Skydive Pilot Pages

Friday, March 9, 2012

Dropzone fun! Marketing nights in Texas!

Here's a couple pictures of me having fun at a skydiving company that I use to fly for in Texas back in 2008. Every now and then a bunch of us would put on some jumpsuits, grab some company t-shirts and stickers and promote our skydiving company at local restaurants and bars in the local towns. As you can imagine, we attracted a lot of attention. Everyone loved the idea and had a lot of questions for us about skydiving. Perfect... that's what we came to talk about!... lol

When you're a small company you need to think outside the box when it comes to marketing. I miss "marketing nights", those were some fun times.  And even though I was far from home, my skydivers were like a family to me...... and still are anytime I'm down in Tejas!

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